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One of a kind

Brilliant storytelling, character writing and everything else! I wish you had a tip jar.

Hope you continue writing stories.


Yooooo its updated! Ive literally been  checking on this alongside socially awkward every once and while.

Also man have you disappeared off of Twitter or what. Just went to search you up and the @'s been deactivated 😭😭😭✋️


Oh damn i just read the posts. Could never be me to go without social media dude but thats still cool


kurt is literally me


just found one of my old post on this from two years ago



sooo pretty much grandpa wanted to change his life by rewriting the past and take his family with them, but dad and son said "wtf you're crazy stop" and then shenanigans ensued

i like it great story

real i was gonna re-read to attempt to understand but thank you very much for the summary :3


You gave me a lot of feelings Mr. Cockhole.


just finished this story and it's amazing. It's one of those things I don't think I'll ever fully get over for lack of a better term. Excellent work I will be thinking about this basically forever


Spoiler Warning, question about ending

So is the ending a good one? Fisher shooting himself means everything will be normal and Spencer can live his life? What does the 9:22 clock means at the end? Does that mean that Spencer is back in the loop? Was fisher actually Spencer and killing himself in the gate did something? I need to know


I think 9:22 is the time the two worlds sync but your question about fisher is really good and i shall compliment your theories with even more theories when fisher thought he was going to kill spencer in the bunker he said "do you know what happens when someone dies in between both worlds" which makes me assume it's a call back to when they said before that fisher "erased people from history" which makes me wonder if it's that how Spence's Dad died and spencer forgot about when did his dad die because he was erased or does being erased literally means being erased from ever existing so by erasing himself fisher killed spencer as well?


I auctually assumed that Spencer's dad was killed in the dominant world and because the 2 worlds equalized,  the death of his dad was basically forced to happen in the subdominant one. Like the unexplained car crashes and such.

Because Spencers dad died and he explicitly remembers him dying it's just the specific date that was lost to him because of RLG shenanigans. 


Gonna learn to draw furries to make fanart for this. Idk how to rate games here but. Wow. Holy shit.


I remember the day that little Cockhole came out on June 1’st 2020, and now it puts a tear in my eye to see that it’s finally finished. I remember playing it before moving out after I graduated University.

I don’t know what I’m going to do now that there is no more Cockhole to suckle.


I just found this screenshot from my phone from all the way back then!


seriously one of the best vns ever. it’s peak in every way


After knowing the ending, I can finally rest in peace.


I've been busy for the last couple weeks, but FINALLY got a chance to sit down and finish the new content.  ABSOLUTELY masterful, bravo, amazing job, thank you so much for this.

There are some parts that I'm still kind of confused about, and I'll definitely need to reread the entire thing at some point to straighten things up, but overall incredible work.  And that ending... that ending...

I don't know if the story is complete or if you still have things you want to add to it, an epilogue or something.  On one hand, it absolutely stands on its own as is.  On the other hand, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't mind seeing some of the loose ends tied up(coughkurtcough).

Still though, I love your writing, you are so so so great, it is such a joy to read.  I don't know what your plans are moving forward, whether this is it or if you plan to move on to other projects, but either way I wish you the absolute best and hope things go well for you!


Fan-art by captain nikko on Twitter


I made the horrible mistake of playing this in one sitting starting at 23.47 on Tuesday Dec 17 and ending at 2.22 on Wednesday Dec 18, and my brain is completely fucked rn but great visual novel absolutely phenomenal even though I still don't entirely have a fucking clue to what i just witnessed.

same, I have to reread this again to unfuck my mind...


Ian my poor boy, i wanted to hug him from the start, i wish we could se the "follow up" to this mess, cause he deserves the best imo


Omggg same i hope ian and Spencer ended up together afterwards ian is too precious


Brainfuck: The Visual Novel


Fr tho


As someone who doesn't know why this game suddenly disappeared (I didn't follow ltch), suddenly finding the release of the full version made me very happy. Thank you for the continuous efforts, which have brought this wonderful experience to us.


The story was simply incredible back in the day i would not have guessed how it played out i finished it in one sitting because i simply couldn't wait to see what would happen next and omg how could i not talk about my favorite ae86 driving boy? I love Ian's character so much even though i have read when it first came out i could not stop grinning at the sandwich scene my head cannon is those two got together after the vn ended they're so perfect for each other ♥️♥️♥️ Ty for the vn cockhole and I'd love to see more of your work in the future being it vns or artwork is it there any social media i can follow you on? I remember we where mutuals on Twitter before it got nuked but I'd love to see more of your artwork!


id blow you if i were gay, ty cockhole.


it feels like a crime that i didnt have to pay to read this wtf its so good


Like a fine wine, the first reading is only getting it acquainted with your palette. The subsequent readings are when the flavors really start to come out.


i am never going to recover from this.


HOLY COW IT IS HERE!!!! Will update this comment when I finish (I know im lying I wont)


Just finished and wow this is a classic.


Just finished the novel, and wow. I think this vn will be stuck in my head for weeks.

I would have never guessed the whole twist back in 2022. I remember back then all we had was the first "dream" sequence.  To see it all the way to the end is truly a gift.

Genuinely one of the best visual novels I have read.

Especially how the ending just ends how it did. It sticks to your brain without needing any sort of epilogue.


10/10 vn hopefully there will be more content in the future 


Will you be writing more stories in the future? This story was amazing to read and was well worth the wait

(1 edit) (+4)

Amazing VN, one of the best I've played (and I've played a lot of them). It's so good that I could write a review on it. Like, really good; you should be proud of yourself! I'll link to it when it's done. 

I'm keen to see what other projects you might undertake in the future or even how you might extend or use the characters from this one! 


One of the best VN game i ever palyed


I thought about this game for the first time in 3 or 4 years earlier this week, and to find out that it is finally complete is serendipitous to say the least. I remember almost nothing about this VN from my first exposure, so I am excited to revisit it in its final form.


Fucking peak jesus christ


I've been watching Neco The Sergal's streams and am really loving this. Is there anywhere I can send a tip?

Deleted post

Loved it


The writing in this game was so snappy and witty! I loved the characters and the bender of a plot - really compelling work.

(1 edit) (+7)

Spoiler warning

(Im not english user, there are many grammar error and some awkward sentence. Sorry)

I think the most victim was Fisher

He suffuered from being ghost over 40years! Very lucky? He is not going to insane or going nut (But a little insane?)

Over 40years, Fisher just want his familiy back and his nomal life. he just want being husband, father and grandfather. That's why he never attempt to kill Spencer.(Thoght he threatening)

And yes, he did many things that never be forgiven. (WorldB) Spencer'father and Spencer tried to stop Fisher and failed. Fisher just did self-defence.(He doesnt want to die. Thats it) Even after that, Fisher want to meet WolrdA Spencer, want to being granfa. He could hide and live as he did but he choose reveal himself. As Fisher said, he has nothing beside his familiy. WorldA Spencer was his last hope. 

So in last chapter, he told everthing to Spencer, hoping being understood, being Spencer's grandfa. But Spencer dejected, gathered everyone. Fisher confronted his consequence. Fisher could shoot Spencer but he didn't because he love his gandson. Fisher could surrender but he didn't because now he has nothing... the only thing he had was his familiy but now Spencer is not his side... not his familiy anymore. I think that is why he choose his end.

I read this vn 3times. There are many things i dont understand, cant thread between events. Some mistery can not be fully interpreted. But doesnt matter. This Vn is awsome!


actually this explains a lot to me on why that was his decision :o


This game is fucking crazy and I loved it. When I saw that it finally got finished I rushed and read it immidiately. You truly released a masterpiece, thank you for your work,


Absolutely wild ride. Be prepared for your brain to be busted. Highly recommend


Based VN, I love the smooth transformations!

(1 edit) (+10)

"It is my worst and most frequent nightmare" will be etched into my brain forever. I will be having flashbacks to that specific sentence. Thank you so much for this

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